August Komae Festival

This summer festival was organized by volunteers to further enliven Komae, led by citizens.You can enjoy delicious food and wonderful dances and music at two venues in the city.Please enjoy the festival full of charm of Komae, both those of Komae and those outside the city!

Senryuji venue: “Komae Summer Festival” You can enjoy the old summer festival and stage.
Ekimae Square Venue: “KOMAE BEER FESTA” Beer business operators including local beer of Komae gather.


  1. 郷土芸能フェスティバル

    December Local Performing Arts Festival

  2. 狛江市民まつり

    November Komae Citizens Festival

  3. こまえ初春まつり

    January Komae Hatsuharu Festival

  4. December: The lighting ceremony of the illumination of the illumination of the citizens in front of Komae City Hall

  5. こまえ桜まつり

    April Komae Cherry Blossom Festival

  6. 狛江古代カップ多摩川いかだレース

    July Komae Ancient Cup Tama River Raft Race